Program Details

Simply fill out the Request For Brokerage Services form on the “SELL IT” tab and we will get back to you with a computerized market analysis and a suggested listing price based upon this or a Broker’s Price Opinion (BPO)1 for a suggested listing price which is typically at the higher range of sales prices in an effort to attain the highest possible price in appreciating markets or allow for price negotiations in depreciating markets.
If you agree with the suggested listing price, let us know and we will prepare a listing agreement for your execution. If you don’t agree with the suggested listing price, we urge you to use another broker as we won’t waste your time with false promises or representations just to get a listing in hopes you would reduce your price in the future. Once a listing agreement is signed, we will meet with you to do a walk-through of the property for disclosure purposes, picture taking, and gather additional pertinent information for marketing purposes.
Then, just sit back and allow us to do the rest (SEE SERVICES PROVIDED). It is that simple!
1The BPO, suggested list price, probable sales price range, market analysis, or similar discussions or writings provided by our real estate licensees, shall in no way be construed as an appraisal. Per Business and Professions Code, DIVISION 4. REAL ESTATE [10000 – 11506] CHAPTER 1. Definitions, Section 11302, The term appraisal does not include an opinion given by a real estate licensee in the ordinary course of his or her business in connection with a function for which a license is required under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 6700) or Chapter 15 (commencing with Section 8700) of Division 3, or Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 10130) or Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 10500) and the opinion shall not be referred to as an appraisal. Furthermore, no opinion of value is expressed or implied for any federally-related transactions and no compliance with the Uniform Standards Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP) is deemed necessary.
For an appraisal or appraisal services, please visit our appraisal website:

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